Today, I began taking a second look at our budget. I believe that we should be able to pay off a few of these credit bills by June. That will really work if we don't plan to take a family vacation this summer.
Well, I am looking forward to reducing our debt. I think that I have a good plan set up and I just have to stick with it. The good news is that we should be able to have most of our debt paid off by the end of the year; however, I still need to find methods to reduce our monthly living expenses. One thing that I am interested in (and have been for a while) is solar panels. I know that the expense is great, but I think that it will most definitely pay off. I just have to find our more information.
We have made it through month one and we are well into month two. I still have to figure out some other methods of saving money. I know that I must continue to think about new ways to reduce our use. Not much else going on these days. I think for me the best method to save money is to not go shopping.